I am the Koala Bear

If the Koala bear is the first animal you saw then chances are you have a personality which is as adorable and cute as that of the Koala. You are someone who is sweet, kind, and funny and someone who likes getting along with people irrespective of who they are. This also means that you like the little joys of life and find time to enjoy the small pleasures which makes your life so beautiful. It is your desire to find happiness which makes you such an amazing person and your cute nature which makes you irresistible. Natuwa ako sa picture quiz na ito..una ko nakita ito koala bear. Totoo maliit na kaligayahan ang nagbibigay saya sa akin. Tawagin mo lang ako sa pangalan ko at sabihan ng maganda o sexy ako..hahaha... its gave me euphoria in my brain..


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